About Heka Healing

& founder Abby.

My passion and my vision lie in stewarding the medicine of the flowers for individual and collective evolution.

I do this through supporting and guiding you in unearthing your authentic Creative Expression.

By returning to relational resonance with self, and self as an intrinsic part of nature. 

Through the medicine of Flowers, I facilitate space for re-connection and a re-memberance of your whole selves, and your limitless regenerative and
co-creative potential.

Creative Expression to me is the true liberation of all of the layers of conditioning and fear that have separated us from each other, from nature and from ourselves, it is the reconnection to our whole selves and a returning to coherence between the dualities within us, our divine masculine and feminine aspects, our sacral and our heart, the earth and the cosmos. Leading us to pure creation energy and authentic expression. 

The flowers themselves are a pure representation of this. They are unadulterated beauty, the life force energy of an element of nature, growing and blooming into their fullest expression. Offering back to the ecosystem. Giving and receiving. Co-creating with all other. 


As a facilitator my values lie in creating a safe and transformative space and experience for my clients. I endeavour to hold you not only with deep care and responsibility but to bring through a joy and beauty that Is often lost and forgotten within the healing and growth process.

As a creative, intuitive and empathic individual, I am intrigued by the soul and the psyche and through traversing the depths of my own, I have learnt that we all hold an innate wisdom within.

It is my calling to use this deep wisdom to share both the magic and potential of the flowers and to reflect the magic and potential within you.

Abby xx

  • Flowers and plants have been used for their healing capabilities for thousands of years.

    Flower essences in particular have been utilised for holistic healing of mental, emotional and spiritual bodies for almost a century.

    The essences themselves are water, imprinted with the flowers vibrational frequency through sunlight.

    Each flower has a specific energetic imprint and set of actions, working through vibrational resonance they gently clear, process and rebalance stuck and stagnant emotion in the subtle bodies.

    Physical pain symptoms and dis-ease in the body is the accumulation and manifestation of stuck or imbalanced e-motion (energy in motion), the origin of the imbalances being caused from experiences of physical or emotional trauma, family and generational patterning, societal conditioning, impactful events, past life experiences and more.

    Flower remedies work on the root cause of the issue, releasing the original emotion, allowing for rewriting subconscious limiting beliefs and mental constructs, gaining awareness and clarity of our reactions and triggers and gifting us the ability to consciously heal, balance and connect mind, spirit and body.

    Through utilising nature to connect in this way, we are able to also form a relationship back to nature, allowing us to return to our holistic state, that is one with nature.

  • A custom remedy will be taken as seven drops under the tongue twice daily on rising and resting for around 2-4 or more weeks.

    Or alternatively can be taken 7 drops up to every 10 minutes in acute situations.


    Flower essences can be the catalyst for change in both our mind and our subconscious mind.

    They have the power to shift and transform our lives so powerfully despite being such gentle and subtle medicine.

    Trauma and past experiences can effect and direct our lives unconsciously, when emotion from these experiences becomes blocked or stuck with our bodies.

    Flower essences have the power to create an awareness within ourselves, they help us to help ourselves by turning inwards and unveiling our limiting belief systems and un nourishing behaviours that have strayed us from our ultimate life path and plan.

    Working with the flowers intentionally is like being given the key to unlock the chest containing all that we are seeking to heal, rather than trying to force it open.

    Although each individual will experience the healing in their own way, one of the most obvious benefits I see is the state of awareness they can bring us into.

    While they can work wonderfully in relieving the symptoms of the emotional cause, the real magic works on the emotions to unblock, rebalance and bring us back to equilibrium mentally, emotionally and spiritually, allowing us an opportunity to experience true homeostasis.

  • As well as using the Flower essences and remedies to heal and process chronic and persisting issues, they also hold powerful uses for acute, emergency and every day difficulties.

    For example our custom SOS remedy is designed to be taken in times of panic, fear, distress and grief, and can be used as a once off or up to every 10 minutes in situations like these.

    The essences used in SOS work on releasing shock and trauma in the subtle bodies as well as calming the mind, protecting the psyche and allowing hope and optimism to reside.

    Every day difficulties that can be addressed and abilities that can be harnessed and enhanced can include:

    •Anxiety •Worry •Stress •Sensitivity •Boundaries for empaths •Confidence•Anger •Direction •Focus •Brain function •Grounding •Meditation practices •Psychic abilities •Joy & Optimism •Loneliness •Creativity •Connection •Sexuality •Humility •Giving and receiving Love •Abundance & Manifesting •Pregnancy & birth •Courage & faith •Empowerment •Vitality & Energy•Sleep •Women's health •EMF & radiation protection •Self esteem •Children’s learning/sensitivities/tantrums/nightmares •Animal healing + many more

  • As we are all unique individuals, the way in which we each heal and grow is unique to us too.

    While the flowers have a vast range of actions that also have a unique effect on each individual, I have curated a number of offerings in the areas that feel most aligned to my skills and gifts.

    As a basis, my offerings are rooted in an intuitively led approach and my main focal points are working to uncover your individual power and potential, aligning you with your souls evolution through deep healing and growth and encouraging a re-membrance and reconnection with nature and learning the practice of healing yourself.

    If you are unsure what may suit your needs, please feel free to reach out to me on the contact page.

  • A. Our standard preserve is organic Australian brandy, when used in the remedy it will contain an alcohol content of about 8.5%, an individual dose equates to about .04ml 0f alcohol so will not have any effect on you.

    I suggest using an alternative preserve if the taste of Brandy is too strong for you or your children. in this case we use a colloidal silver preserve, though please keep in mind this does not have as long lasting shelf life.

  • A. I only advise to take one remedy course at a time as otherwise the effects of the remedy will become diluted.

    Though, the it is more than ok to take an acute remedy such as our SOS while taking a course. The acute remedies act in the moment and as they are not taken as often they will not interfere with your remedy course.

  • A. A remedy course is designed to be taken 7 drops twice daily ( preferably first and last thing of your day) the drops can be taken under the tongue directly or if preferred can be added to a small amount of water or liquid.

    I suggest percussing the bottle a few times on the palm of your hand to activate the remedy for quicker assimilation into the bloodstream. Though this is not required for them to work.

    For acute remedies such as our SOS, take 7 drops upto every 10 minutes as needed until emotions have been processed/passed. You can also topically apply the drops to the wrists or temples if unable to take orally.

  • A. Yes! Flower remedies contain no actual plant material or chemical component, they are purely the vibrational imprint of a Flowers and so they are completely safe and highly recommenced to use throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the alcohol preserve does not appeal you can select to use a colloidal silver alternative. Flower remedies can help throughout many pregnancy issues and challenges as well as through labour and birth and even with newborns.

    Flower remedies are also safe for children and animals.

  • A. No flower remedies have no interference or effect with any other medication or supplement. Though, if you are taking a homeopathic treatment we do consulting your practitioners to see if the remedies are aligned as they are both working on vibrational levels and again have the potential to be diluted if they are working in different areas.

    If you have concerns please contact your health proffesional.

  • A. You can take your remedy with any food and can even add to your drink if you desire. I do suggest taking your remedy after brushing or rinsing mouth so that you do not accidentally rinse them out before digested.

  • A. If you forget to take your remedy course at morning or night it is not going to stop your remedy from working. Simply take your dose as soon as you remember and it is available to you, if you have forgotten for a few days this may be your body telling you it has had enough of the remedy or that it needed a break. Check in with your own intuition and continue if you feel the need.

  • No, essential or aromatherapy oils are made from the crude material of a plant and are the oil extraction of them, while flower essences contain no plant material and they have no scent and are used for emotional healing.